How Democracies Die - Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt Democracies often die with a whimper, not a bang.
Our Damaged Democracy - Joe Califano on the dangerous accumulation of power in the executive branch.
RATF**KED - The True Story Behind the Secret Plan to Steal America's Democracy - reviewed HERE
Dark Money - Jane Mayer - how Kochs and friends planned, organized, and funded their right wing agenda the past 40 years.
The Little Blue Book - George Lakoff - How the left can use language to reclaim the moral high ground and advance their cause
People Get Ready - Nichols and McChesney - to be read after Dark Money
Saving Capitalism - Robert Reich - how to fix American capitalism
The Price of Inequality - Joseph Stiglitz - bad things happen politically and economically for everyone over time
Listen Liberal - Thomas Frank - skewers coastal liberalism and "the party of the people"
Rich Media Poor Democracy - Robert McChesney - an acclaimed analysis of media in America
A People's History of the United States - Howard Zinn - a different take on what most of us learned
We The Corporations- Adam Winkler Fascinating story of American history and the court cases leading to Citizens United.
The New Jim Crow - Michelle Alexander - how laws have been used to create a 2nd Jim Crow regime in our country
Bowling Alone - Robert Putnam - the fraying/collapse of American communities and what that means for all of us
The Upswing -Robert Putnam. How wealth inquality in the US lessened from the Gilded Age to the late 60’s, and how it has steadily increased the last 50 years.
Democracy in Chains - the history of James Buchanan and Public Choice Theory impacts on government today
The Mueller Report online
What Money Can’t Buy Michael Sandel—the spread of market norms to all aspects of our lives
The Tyranny of Merit -Sandel- How our values lead to loss of work with dignity and polarization in society
Surveillance Capitalism Shoshana Zuboff the extraction and use of personal data to predict and modify behavior
Why Nations Fail. Acemoglu and Robinson. Watch your GINI.
Shadow Network Anne Nelson Money, media, and the hub (CNP) of the right wing
The Big Myth Oreskes and Conway How American Business Taught Us to Loathe Government