Meeting Recording: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/6cwqC5v99nNOba_k1XmHUbEnQo3Yaaa81CAd__NezkgyJ_ns7l2OOFIoilow6pi-

0:00             Welcome             Steve Reed

                     Treasurer report Marty Walsh

                         April 1  $742.07

                                       +  50           membership dues

                                       +  20           library room refund

      -     34.15        checks purchased

  -    49.19        Zoom license

                        May 1   $727.05                                  

2:40    Jake Zimmerman  candidate for County Executive

17:02           Jake  -  Q and A

52.20           Announcements: Trish Gunby  running for re-election in 99th. Sydni Jackson informed us there are 4 Democratic candidates for County Exec. The 4th is Jamie Tolliver. She is running for Creve Coeur township committeewoman. electsydnijackson@gmail.com

56:45           Will Krueger with Clean Missouri                     Important outreach to voters: Looking for phone bank volunteers. Will has short webinars https://www.cleanmissouri.org/meetup at Wed 3PM and Sat 3 PM to show you how to call voters throughout the region to inform them that their Republican legislator has voted  for new legislation (SJR 38) to go on the  ballot in August or November that is an extreme gerrymandering bill that would overturn the Clean Missouri initiative.

1.09:30 Helena Webb candidate for HD 100.

1.13:15 Jessica LaBozzetta candidate for  Queeney township committeewoman

1.17:30 Adjourn