MOPAG Minutes for 7 March 2020 General Membership Meeting
The meeting was convened at 1:30 p.m. by Chair Steve Reed.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Marty Walsh gave a financial report:
2/3/2020 Balance $ 751.07
Member dues $ 75.00
Mail box annual fee - $ 134.00
2/29/2020 Balance $692.07
Minutes of the February meeting were approved.
Announcements: Senator Jill Schupp is holding a volunteer rally at 2 PM on March 8 th at 2258 Grissom Drive. Joe Biden in town today at Kiener 11 a.m. and Bernie Sanders at Stifel Theater 1400 Market Street at 11 a.m. March 9 th . Ron Zager announced 2 members (Marty Walsh and Steve Reed) had letters to the editor published in the Post-Dispatch recently.
Glen Koenen gave a Jeff City legislative update and provided a handout.
Highlights: Republicans want to use internet sales taxes to lower taxes rather than beef up General Revenue. More of the state would be open to charter schools under SB 649 et al.Elementary and secondary schools will receive $600 million less next year than they would have under prior formulations. The legislature may legalize slot machines now throughout the state by a major donor to Governor Parson. The attempt to have Missouri join the rest of the nation with a state Prescription Drug Monitoring Program may fail again due to Senator Sater. Other bills hostile to transgenders are making their way in the House.
Don Logue provided a briefing on Ferguson as a textbook example of social dysfunction
resulting from policy failure at all levels. St Louis suffers from anemic GDP growth while
Missouri has high murder rates compared to peers.
Featured Speaker: St Louis County Executive Dr Sam Page talked about some initiatives passed: Making Narcan, used to reverse opioid overdose, available. $2 million for treatment is being matched by Federal funds. The county has also prohibited concealed carry of weapons by domestic abusers. The county has an Economic Development Partnership with the city to address workforce development as skilled workers are a major shortfall regionally. He emphasized the need to work collaboratively in the council. (Note: the county council is split 4 Democrats and 3 Republicans). A Request for Proposal for Jamestown Mall development is in the works. When asked what his future priorities were, he answered the Covid-19 issue for the next 90 days.
Al Gerber gave a talk on the process of delegation selection from township to national level and what to expect at the conventions. Note: With Covid-19 in mind, the Missouri Democratic Party has revamped delegate procedures and dates that are available at their website.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Susan Turk/Steve Reed